So. Airplane cookies. They are done, along with some snowmen, some trees, and some lighthouses. These are from last year:
Clearly not Air Superiority Blue. For the first time in his life (as far as he remembers), The Man decorated Christmas cookies. He helped with about half, and then I excused him to watch Liverpool-Arsenal and finished them up myself. No Fernando Torres, Fabregas got injured, and Adebayor got sent off, so fewer compelling players for me to watch.
Airplane cookies. That's that.
But wait! There's more! The cinnamon rolls are in the freezer. How do you make cinnamon rolls? Well you start by making a babka dough in the big mixer. Babka is a sweet yeast dough with butter, eggs, sugar, and sour cream. Because of all the extra fat, it turns out very smooth and silky. Add the flour until the dough cleans the side of the bowl.
Keep going.
I said, UNTIL THE DOUGH CLEANS THE SIDE OF THE BOWL. Do the sides of the bowl look clean to you? It's not like you're doing the work by hand so be patient.
You could do all the kneading in the mixer, but then you might as well use a bread machine and what's the point? I always do some of it in the mixer and then finish it up by hand. All of this, of course, is performed under the supervision of Mess Sergeant Yarn Bandit. His job is to beg for taste tests and to lick any flour or drips off the floor.

And where is Kirby during all of this? He used to watch from the sidelines, but now he's more aggressive. Here's a less intrusive version of his "help":
See how he leans in? I think he likes me. This, however, is a typical chef's eye view:

That would be him, wedged between me and the cabinet (in this case, but could be stove or the sink), often standing on my feet.
That would be him, wedged between me and the cabinet (in this case, but could be stove or the sink), often standing on my feet.
Anyway, if the babka looks like this:
then you have some more kneading to do. When you're done, the dough will feel satiny and heavy and smooth and have a little bounce to it.
So you put it in a bowl and set it somewhere to rise. On days when the temperature doesn't go above freezing, I do it in the oven (turn the oven on, let it get up to about 110 degrees, then turn it off). Let it go until it is about doubled.
Then punch it down. Literally.

If you have a lot of time, knead it about 10 times, reform it into a ball, and then let it rise again. At some point, though, you need to stop. Roll it out into a big ole rectangle (more or less). Brush with melted butter.

Then roll it up.

See? Easy.

If you have a lot of time, knead it about 10 times, reform it into a ball, and then let it rise again. At some point, though, you need to stop. Roll it out into a big ole rectangle (more or less). Brush with melted butter.
Sprinkle with a mixture of cinnamon and brown sugar (and nuts if you must, but you know how The Man feels about male baked goods).
Then roll it up.
See? Easy.
Then I slice the roll into pieces about an inch thick or so and put them in the pan. The recipe itself says "cram" them in and so I do.
And now they go in here, somehow, until the 24th, when they go into the fridge to defrost and rise one last time.
Yes, those are biscotti.
On Christmas morning, they go into the oven and when they're done in there, they get drizzled with icing.
I'd rather not have to do them in advance. I'm never completely sure that the turn in the freezer won't hurt the yeast somehow. However, since Babette does not live here, the only alternative to doing them in advance is getting up at 3 a.m. to make sure they're done for breakfast, and that ain't happening.
With Fabregas out about 4 months with knee ligamant damage does this end any chance the Gunners had of moving up in the table?
I still have not received my invitation to the Boxing Day celebration to help clean up the left over baked goods. Am I being excluded because I am not one of your domestic servants?
Cesc is out for four months? [lower lip trembles] FOUR MONTHS? Oh No! I love him! He's on FC Dirtbunny!
And without him, the Gunners are toast. Sez The Man, Sir Alex made Cesc (despite his tender years) the captain after Gallas-gate because all the other Gunners are half-wits.
I do not issue invitations to anonymous people. If you come out of the closet, then we'll see.
Cesc flew to Barcelona to consult with a specialist and they have decided that surgery is not necessary but that he will be out 3-4 months. Don't you Yanks get any of the important news! I thought that the Gunners had a reasonable chance at Aston Villa on Boxing Day but now that is highly unlikely. The keeper will probably be pressed into a temporary captain's role as he was after "Gallas-gate".
FC Dirtbunny? I can only imagine the selection criteria: young, tall, Mediteranian, hairy, and maybe can play association football. Your comments betray a prejudice against English footballers and you never mention the Scots. I, as you might have predicted, always have rooted for the Rangers.
What is this "come out of the closet"? We are under the impression that this means one of your right wing politicians has been found to be tapping his toes noisily in an airport loo.
I can't come anyways as holiday airfares are beyond my means. But I must say the photos look good. I'm going to The Riverside to see the mach against Everton on Boxing Day.
Re Fabregas being made captain, that was Arsene Wenger the Arsenal coach who made him captain. Sir Alex the Man U. coach would have been very happy to see Galls remain as captain, since he's one of Arsenal's gang of defensive half-wits who keep getting the side into trouble. Interesting question, though. If Wenger keeps up Arsenal's (relative) success, could he be knighted as a Frenchman? Sir Arsene, any one?
Dear Rangers fan,
Your comment betrays a prejudice against hairy Mediterranean types. This is America, my dear, where the collective cultural knowledge about soccer (I mean futbol, to distinguish it from American football) is limited to Beckham (and Posh, duh), Pele, and Saturday morning games at the local elementary school involving the resident 8-year-old. If I want futbol news I have to actively seek it out on the Interwebs, and I have not yet found a comprehensive site (ESPN soccernet fails to impress).
I never mention the Scots because we never get any games from the Scottish Premier League. I saw Celtic get beat by someone in the Champions League, but that's all. I love me some Scots (the kilt-wearing ones make me all woozy) and would happily watch them if they were on.
I love the Italians because they are the team I first got interested in in the World Cup 2006. I am familiar with more of the players and find it easier to follow the Serie A teams. I don't know the English players at all really, but I'm getting a little better at it. I despise John Terry and Wayne Rooney seems to have reformed a bit and that GK Hart for one of the non-big-4 teams seems really good.
Anyway, I'm a dilletante. Real futbol fans would laugh at me. The FC Dirtbunny roster is a work in progress and features some players because of skill and others because of looks who are really only there to sit on the bench next to me, rub my feet, and bring me drinks. FC Dirtbunny would get killed every game because it is really light on defenders. The whole idea is too lame to bring out of the closet for now. (See? See what I did there? No relevance whatever to wide stances.)
So it's like this: I like what I like for my own arbitrary reasons. I bow to your superior knowledge. Perhaps you can tell me where to get better news. By the way, when is Gigi coming back? Google has been most unhelpful on this point. And I don't know what "association football" means, or the "territorial army" either, for that matter.
Sir Alex = Man U
Arsene Wenger = Arsenal
Yes. Duh. I knew that.
Big Phil = Chelsea
Benitez (I think), that guy who resembles my cell-phone-talking-in-the-front-yard-all-summer-long-and-making-it-impossible-to-enjoy-open-windows neighbor across the street = Liverpool
The vaguely Dickensian guy who always looks drunk = Tottenham Hotspur
Yeah, that's pretty much it. I could give a shit about the coaches and don't mind BEING ignorant about them, but I don't want to APPEAR ignorant.
Gigi is said to be training with Juve and should be ready within two weeks. But the results say he is hardly missed and some say there is no need to hurry his return.
The Gunners ran out of luck in injury time yesterday. Too bad unless you root for The Toffees whom I saw win 1-0.
Rangers-Celtic have started. The commentators describe the field as "permafrost" and "artic". One goal dissallowed so far. At least it was above 0, sorry 32 F, at Boro.
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