Friday, April 23, 2010

More than just fat-filled sugar bombs

That's right.  Regular visitors to the food channel on the Dirtbunny network have probably noticed that DB has a penchant for bragging about her special food, stuff like tiramisu, pasta bolognese, buche de noel, cinnamon rolls, etc.  And then there was a recent mention of a coconut layer cake.  Do not be misled.  We do not eat like that all the time at Chez Nous.  We eat a lot of crap too, mostly when DB has retired to her boudoir (literally or figuratively, cos she goes both ways) and can't be assed to act like an adult and sends The Man out for takeout--or worse--a bag of Ruffles and a tub of

Monday, April 5, 2010

Not your Olive Garden's tiramisu

So listen.  I don't even really know what tiramisu is exactly.  I have boycotted restaurant tiramisu because of the ubiquitousness.  Dirtbunnies hate hype.  But I saw a recipe for pannetone tiramisu and I thought it might be an interesting way to make use of at least some of the gigantic chocolate pannetone I got at Christmas time, and I actually made it around then and ended up ditching the recipe because Clarabelle told me I could never eat sugar again.  It was OK.  Kinda soggy.

But, I still had A LOT of pannetone.  So's I decided to make another one (sans recipe, because this is when I remembered throwing it away).  So here we have a non-gross tiramisu-like dessert that I improvised from a recipe I made once about four months ago.