Friday, April 23, 2010

More than just fat-filled sugar bombs

That's right.  Regular visitors to the food channel on the Dirtbunny network have probably noticed that DB has a penchant for bragging about her special food, stuff like tiramisu, pasta bolognese, buche de noel, cinnamon rolls, etc.  And then there was a recent mention of a coconut layer cake.  Do not be misled.  We do not eat like that all the time at Chez Nous.  We eat a lot of crap too, mostly when DB has retired to her boudoir (literally or figuratively, cos she goes both ways) and can't be assed to act like an adult and sends The Man out for takeout--or worse--a bag of Ruffles and a tub of
 onion dip.   Did you know that original flavor Ruffles brand potato chips are kosher, a good source of vitamin C, contain zero trans fat, and are free of horrible things like onion, MSG, gluten, and soy?  And I thought they were bad for me!  Maybe onion dip is also healthy and nutritious.....

However, we are former vegetarians here, and we still eat meat-free most of the time.  Tho "meat-free" includes such fat-soaked carbalicious delights as macaroni & cheese (there's the regular one with cheddar and custard, and the Italian one with taleggio and fontina d'Aosta  hold the phone!  45% fat content?  I have GOT to stop looking these things up.), pasta with sauce from a jar, enchiladas (kidney beans and TVP, if I'm in the mood for TVP, but also a ton of cheese), onion quiche, and sometimes lasagna, none of which are particularly good for DB's blood sugar.  Hmmmm.  I seem to have started one sentence but finished a different sentence entirely and ended up with a dreaded sentence fragment.  Since I am sulking unreasonably over a perfectly nice midyear review at work, I'll just let it sit there like a big stinky grammar turd.  That'll teach em.  Is it possible to be a horribly overweight, unhealthy vegetarian?   Yes.  Yes it is.

That said, DB knows how to cook proper food that doesn't come with a Surgeon General's warning.  Her cupboard right now contains two kinds of lentils, five four kinds of beans, four six kinds of whole grains am I compulsive enough to acutally get off my ass and count just so you'll have an accurate inventory?  You bet I am, and only two bars of baking chocolate one of which has a bite taken out of it.  However could that have happened?    So last night we had coconut layer cake for dinner, but we also had this:

Warm lentil salad on a bed of raw spinach with a feta cheese garnish.  There's carrots in there homes, and celery, so that's three kinds of veg in one dish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Several items of note:

(1) Language, as in, "can't be assed to act like an adult." Can I ass you a question, namely, is this some interrogative form I'm not familiar with?

(2) Grammar turd? Maybe this one smells a little, but compared to most of what you find in American conversational English, that ain't nothing. What's out there is one big grammar dump.

(3) The healthiness of Ruffles and dip is a revelation to me. I MUST change my life and eating habits now!

(4) Vandalized chocolate bar? I blame the Yarn Bandit. After he peed in the house, he figured, what the hell, go for the gusto, so he used his mind powers, homes, and got in the cupboard, only to be interrupted when you came home...........

(5) Don't ever mention the 45% fat content of the Fontina to me ever again. La la la la......