Monday, November 17, 2008

The Only Brownie Recipe You'll Ever Need

I've tried many, and I keep coming back to the one I grew up with. It could be one of those Proustian things but, as far as I'm concerned, here is what a brownie is supposed to be:

Melt 4 oz. each of best-quality unsweetened chocolate and butter. Let cool slightly. Beat together 2 cups sugar and 4 eggs. Add in butter, chocolate, and a splash of vanilla, and then blend in one cup of flour. Pour into a greased 9x13 baking dish and let it go for 30-40 minutes at 350 degrees. Let cool before you cut them or the top crust will crumble into nothingness.

If you must, doctor them up with nuts, chips, coconut, frosting, etc. The Man likes all his baked goods female and I almost always humor him and leave the nuts out.

That is all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that there a recipe with standard measurements. I thought when you grew up things were measured in handfuls, splashes, dashes and the all important tin cup.