Sunday, January 4, 2009

Things In The Freezer That Must Be Gotten Rid Of

Problem: Freezer contains ancient coconut from days of yore. Plus, bought too many eggs for holiday baking spree.

Solution: Coconut cream pie.

Problem: Coconut cream pie is traditionally topped with meringue. Dirtbunny cannot face meringue today and it's supposed to rain, not that you would know it from looking at the sky.

Solution: Leave off the goddamn meringue. There's no law against it.

Problem: What'll I do with the egg whites?

Solution: Scrambled eggs for breakfast.

Problem: But plain scrambled egg whites are rubbery and gross.

Solution: Scrambled egg whites with a whole egg and some cheese.

Moral: It always comes down to cheese. Never run out.

The End.

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